Advice on choice of worm gear

Selecting the correct worm gear can be a challenge. There is a lot you need to know. BEVI's transmission experts are happy to help you make the right choice.

Home / About BEVI / Knowledge bank / Advice on choice of worm gear

The following factors should be considered when choosing the right gear for a given application:

  • Type of machine to be commissioned
  • Ambient temperature
  • Surroundings (dust, moisture, acid, frost, tropical heat etc)
  • Drive motor (type and characteristics)
  • Type of coupling between drive motor and gear, i.e. belt, friction, direct or variable speed
  • Desired output torque required at output shaft
  • Input and output speed
  • Mounting positions
  • Service factor

Determining the service factor (Sf)

Working hours per day

  • Workload
  • Life span
  • Work cycle

Formula for calculating the service factor (SF):

SF= F1 x F2 x F3

Factor F1 - working hours and workload

  • Working hours/day - 3-4
  • Even workload - 0,8
  • Variable workload - 1
  • Very variable workload - 1,5

  • Working hours/day - 8-10
  • Even workload - 1,0
  • Variable workload - 1,2
  • Very variable workload - 1,8

  • Working hours/day - 10-24
  • Even workload - 1,4
  • Variable workload - 1,6
  • Very variable workload - 2

Factor F2 - desired lifespan Redigera

Desired lifespan (Hours) - F2

  • 10 000 - 0,8 
  • 15 000 - 1,0
  • 20 000 - 1,4

Factor F3 - work cycle

Number of start/stop per hour - F3

  • 6 - 1,0 
  • 60 - 1,2
  • 120 - 1,4


Pontus Adolfsson, Product manager electric motors:

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We offer a comprehensive range of electric motors, transmission devices, power electronics, coil winding material, starter equipment and perform services of electrical machines.

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