Sawmills and Wood Industry

An Overview of How BEVI Can Help Sawmills and Wood Industries Optimize Production and Reduce Costs

Sawmills and wood industries are crucial sectors in Sweden’s economy, contributing to job creation, export revenues, and sustainable development. However, these industries also face significant challenges, such as global competition, environmental regulations, raw material shortages, and technological advancements. To survive and grow in the market, sawmills and wood industries must continually improve their efficiency, quality, and flexibility.

A key factor in achieving these goals is having reliable, robust, and tailored equipment used in production. Sawmills and wood industries place high demands on equipment like electric motors, transmissions, drive systems, control systems, and sensors, which must handle various types of loads, temperatures, humidity, and vibrations. Therefore, it is essential to choose a supplier with extensive experience, broad expertise, and a high level of service in these areas.

BEVI is such a supplier. We have over 80 years of experience providing equipment and services to sawmills and wood industries across Sweden. We understand what is required for various applications in the industry, and we offer both service for existing equipment to enhance availability and new sales to sawmills and producers of equipment like timber dryers and sawmills. In this document, we present some of the solutions and benefits we can offer our customers in the sawmill and wood industry.

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Sorting Plants and Planer Feeders

Sorting plants and planer feeders are examples of applications where the equipment is subjected to uneven and jolting loads, requiring a robust solution for electric motors, transmissions, and other drive equipment. BEVI offers a wide range of electric motors and transmissions designed to withstand these stresses, with high efficiency, low noise, and long service life. We also provide a complete range of frequency converters, soft starters, brake resistors, and control systems that can be customized to various needs and preferences. We can offer both standard products and custom solutions, depending on the customer's requirements and conditions.

Timber Dryers

Timber dryers are another application where equipment faces significant challenges. In timber dryers, the very high ambient temperature and high humidity are the primary challenges. These factors can affect the equipment's performance, lifespan, and safety. Through extensive collaboration with, particularly, Småland and Norrland sawmills, we have developed a specially adapted electric motor with high efficiency for use in timber dryers. The motor is designed to better handle the tough requirements of these applications with very high ambient temperatures and high humidity, as well as significant radial and axial forces on the motor shaft. The motor also features special winding and insulation to protect against moisture and corrosion, along with a reinforced bearing design that withstands vibrations and loads.

Service and Support

BEVI not only provides equipment but also offers service and support to our customers. We have a network of service workshops and technicians who can perform repairs, maintenance, installations, inspections, and testing of the equipment. We also maintain a large stock of spare parts and accessories that can be delivered quickly and efficiently. We strive to provide our customers with the best possible service, and we are always available to answer questions, provide advice, and solve problems.

Reference Projects

“Over the past 15 years, we have installed timber dryer motors from BEVI. This has increased our production availability and significantly reduced costs for energy, maintenance, and spare parts.”

“Since the sawmill was built in 1999, we have collaborated with BEVI for the replacement and service of motors for our timber dryers. BEVI’s knowledge of our needs, motors, and drying systems has resulted in shorter downtime, saving us both money and energy.”

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BEVI Knowledge bank

BEVI's Knowledge bank collects information about our areas of expertise, electric drive systems and power generation.


BEVI is one of the Nordic region's largest companies in the field of electric drive systems and power generation.

We offer a comprehensive range of electric motors, transmission devices, power electronics, coil winding material, starter equipment and perform services of electrical machines.

BEVI AB (headquarters)


Denmark / Export:

Bevivägen 1, 384 30, Blomstermåla, Sweden

© BEVI AB 2024