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ME300 1A6ME21AFSAA Inverter

ME300 1-phase 230 V IP20
0,25 kW 1,6 A

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The ME300 series is a new generation compact vector control drive with superior drive technology with a 60 % reduction in size. It supports both IM and PM motors, providing higher efficiency and flexibility. Various built-in essential functions are standard to reduce the need for additional expenses and to shorten installation time.

Technical specification
Rated current (A) normal duty 1,6
Input voltage (VAC) 200-240
Max input voltage (VAC) 1x180-264
IP class 20
Rated output capacity (kVA) 0,6
Applicable motor output (kW), normal duty 0,25
Voltage out (V) 3x0-180/264
Frequency range (Hz) 0-500
Manufacturer Delta
Input rating
Operating voltage range 1-fas 180-264 VAC
Frequency accuracy (input) 48-63
Input current (A) 3,4
Output rating
Frequency modulation PWM (sinuskodad pulsbreddsmodulering), kopplingsfrekvens max. 15 kHz
Frequency output accuracy 0,01 Hz
Overload capacity 150 % av märkströmmen under 1 minut.
Acceleration / Deceleration time 0~600 sek. (separat inställbara)
Torque function Vektorkontroll med autotuning, startmoment upp till 200 % vid 0,5 Hz, alternativt V/F-kontroll med boostfunktion och eftersläpningskompensering.
V/F curve V/F-justerbar
Current limit 20-200 % av märkströmmen
Installation Höjd: Max. 1000 m ö.h. Ej korrosiva gaser. Undvik damm och fukt.
Ambient temperature -20°C - +50°C (icke kondenserande)
Storage temperature -40°C - +85°C
Ambient humidity Max. 90 %RH (icke kondenserande)
Vibration IEC60068-2-6: 2-13 Hz: 1 mm, peak-peak, 13-55 Hz 0,7-2 G
Standard functions
Control signal OP panel Inställning med pilar upp/ned eller vridpotentiometer.
Control signal external signal Potentiometer -5 kΩ/0,5 W, 0- +10 VDC (impedans 47 kΩ), 4-20 mA (impedans 250 Ω), 15 fasta hastigheter, JOG, UPP/NED-kommando, RS485-seriekommunikation
Start signal OP panel Sätts med RUN/STOP-knapparna
Start signal external signal FWD/STOP, REV/STOP (RUN/STOP, FWD/REV), 3-ledarstyrning, RS485-seriekommunikation
Multi-function digital input MI1-MI5 är programmerbara multifunktionskontakter, JOG, öka/minska-kommando, val alternativ accelerations-/retardationstid, analog ingång, 15 fasta hastigheter, extern
Multi-function digital output Driftsignal, inställd frekvens uppnådd, 0-varvsindikering,
Analog output signal Indikering av frekvens/ström 0-10 VDC
Other functions Automatisk spänningsreglering (AVR), PID-kontroll, sleep-funktion, felhistorik 10 senaste fel, S-ramp, överspänningsnivå, DC-bromsning, ställbar kopplingsfrekvens, överström, strömgräns. Driften fortsätter vid momentant nätspänningsbortfall. Reversering spärrad, ställbar frekvensgräns, NPN/PNP-omkopplare, kodlås etc.
Protective functions "Safe Torque Off" STO-funktion enligt EN ISO13849-1 Cat 3/PLd, EN61508 SIL2, EN60204-1 Cat 0 och EN62061 SIL CL 2. Överspänning, underspänning, överlast, motorskydd, överhettning, kortslutning, jordfel, externt fel, PTC etc.
Braking chopper Integrerad bromsmodul
EMC filter Integrated EMC-filter
Cooling Fläkt
Manufacturer Delta
Dimensions and weight
Width × height × depth (mm) 72x142x143
Frame model (size) B
Net weight (kg) 0,9

Compact vector control drive with superior drive technology

The ME300 series is a new generation compact vector control drive with superior drive technology and a 60 % reduction in size. It supports both IM and PM motors, providing higher efficiency and flexibility. Various built-in essential functions are standard to reduce the need for additional expenses and to shorten installation time.

The ME300 also supports both induction and interior/surface permanent motors, providing more efficiency and flexibility. The Safe Torque Off (STO) function ensures smooth operation while protecting facilities from damage. The screw-less wiring design of terminal blocks offers a simplified wiring process for quick installation.

Flexible and durable design

User-friendly operation, ultra-compact size, quick installation and flexible, durable design provide the user with a highly efficient and stable system.

Manufacturer Delta Electronics

Wiring diagram ME300 frequency inverter

The wiring diagram will be added within short.

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