C2000 450C43S Inverter

C2000 3-phase 400 V IP20
45 kW 86 A

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Frequency inverter with outstanding performance and high accuracy

The C2000 frequency inverter series comes with an outstanding performance and energy-efficient features to fulfill the demand for high-speed motor control. It features precise speed, torque and position control functions that are suitable for both sensor and sensorless synchronous/asynchronous motors.

Technical specification
Rated current (A) normal duty 86
Rated current (A) light duty 91
Input voltage (VAC) 380-480
Max input voltage (VAC) 3x340-500
IP class 20
Rated output capacity (kVA) 73
Applicable motor output (kW), normal duty 45
Voltage out (V) 3x0-340/500
Frequency range (Hz) 0-599
Manufacturer Delta
Product series C2000
Input rating
Frequency accuracy (input) 48-63
Input current (A) 101
Output rating
Frequency modulation PWM-modulering, kopplingsfrekvens 1-15 kHz (storleksberoende)
Frequency output accuracy Digital referens: ±0,01 %, Analog referens: ±0,1 %
Overload capacity Normaldrift 120 % av märkström under 1 minut. (Vid tung drift 150 %.)
Acceleration / Deceleration time 0,0~6000 sek. (separat inställbara)
Control method Open loop vektorkontroll (SVC), closed loop vektorkontroll (FOC) vid momentkontroll, V/F–kontroll, boostfunktion och eftersläpningskompensering.
Speed control range Vektorkontroll: open loop 1:100, closed loop 1:1000
Torque function Moment/ström max 200 %, noggrannhet +5 % (FOC closed loop)
V/F curve V/F-kontroll med valfri V/Hz-inställning.
Current limit 170-185 % av märkströmmen. Absolutskydd 240 %.
Installation Höjd: max. 1000 m ö.h. Ej korrosiva gaser. Undvik damm och fukt.
Ambient temperature -15°C - +50°C (icke kondenserande)
Storage temperature -20°C - +60°C
Ambient humidity Max. 90 %RH (icke kondenserande)
Vibration 9,80665 m/s² (1G) < 20 Hz, 5,88 m/s² (0,6 G) > 20 Hz
Standard functions
Control signal OP panel Inställning med pilar upp/ned.
Control signal external signal -10~ +10 VDC, 0~ +10 VDC (impedans 20 kΩ), 4-20 mA (impedans 250 Ω), pulståg 100 kHz, JOG, potentiometer -5 kΩ/0,5 W, RS485-seriekommunikation (MODBUS, CANopen), 16 fasta hastigheter, positionering (15-positioner), UPP/NED-kommando, pulståg (PG-optionkort)
Start signal OP panel Sätts med RUN/STOP-knapparna
Start signal external signal FWD/STOP, REV/STOP (RUN/STOP, FWD/REV), 3-ledarstyrning, RS485-seriekommunikation (MODBUS, CANopen)
Multi-function digital input M1-M8 är programmerbara multifunktionskontakter, 16 fasta hastigheter, JOG, öka/minska-kommando, val alternativ accelerations-/retardationstid, timer, PID, klockfunktion, extern
Multi-function digital output Driftsignal, inställd frekvens uppnådd, 0-varvsindikering,
Analog output signal 0-10 VDC. Indikering av referens/utfrekvens/ström/spänning/moment/effekt etc.
Other functions Automatisk spänningsreglering (AVR), PID-kontroll, S-ramp, ställbar överspänningsnivå, DC-bromsning, felhistorik, ställbar kopplingsfrekvens, startfrekvens för DC-bromsning, överström, strömgräns, driften fortsätter vid momentant nätspänningsbortfall, reversering spärrad, ställbar frekvensgräns, kodlås, sleep-funktion, frekvenshopp, timerfunktioner, pulsräknare, energisparfunktion, etc
Braking chopper Option
DC choke Integrerad DC-drossel
EMC filter Option
Cooling Inbyggd forcerad kylning
Manufacturer Delta
Dimensions and weight
Width × height × depth (mm) 280x500x255
Frame model (size) D01
Net weight (kg) 27

C2000 provides the most efficient solution for all types of drive applications

The C2000 frequency inverter series comes with an outstanding performance and energy-efficient features to fulfill the demand for high-speed motor control. It features precise speed, torque and position control functions that are suitable for both sensor and sensorless synchronous / asynchronous motors.

Power range and applications

With higher overload capacity, the power range of the C2000 series can reach up to 560 kW, providing the best performance and stability for a variety of heavy duty and constant torque applications, such as:

  • Production
  • Processing
  • Food industry
  • Chemical industry
  • Metal processing
  • Rubber and plastics
  • Municipal and infrastructure
  • Heavy-duty overload capability (see specification)
  • IP55 fans, efficient heat sink and Class 3C3 conformal PCB coating for corrosive environment
  • Built-in PLC (10k steps) and remote I/O integration for CANopen / Modbus master stations
  • Positioning control, master / slave torque control, electromagnetic energy traction control, and more
  • Auto energy saving operation
  • Communication cards (optional): EtherCAT, EtherNet/IP, DeviceNet, PROFINET, PROFIBUS DP, Modbus TCP, CANopen
  • < /ul>
Manufacturer Delta Electronics

Wiring diagram C2000 frequency inverter

The wiring diagram will be added within short.

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