
  1. Products
    1. Electric motors
      1. Three-phase standard motors
      2. Marine motors
      3. Single-phase electric motors
      4. Brake motors
      5. Ex motors
      6. Dry kiln motors
      7. Two-speed motors
      8. Built-in motors
      9. Vibration motors
      10. Servo motors and drives
      11. Inverter motors
    2. Brake Units
    3. Transmissions
    4. Automation & motor control
      1. Frequency inverters
        1. Frequency inverters
        2. Accessories frequency inverters
        3. Frequency inverters previous models
      2. Inverter motors
      3. Servo motors and drives
      4. HMI, PLC and power supply
      5. Motor starters
    5. Other products
      1. Control and test equipment
      2. Converters
      3. Power transformers
      4. Screw jacks and linear actuators
      5. Static excitation
      6. Generators
      7. Shaft generator
  2. Areas of use
    1. Marine
    2. Automotive and transport industry
    3. Hydropower
    4. Wind power
    5. Sawmills and wood processing
    6. Pulp and paper
    7. Agriculture
    8. Food and beverage processing
    9. Pharmaceutical production
    10. HVAC
    11. Water & Wastewater
  3. Services
    1. Solutions
      1. Service of electric motors
      2. Generator service
      3. Transformer service
    2. Operational testing
    3. Balancing
    4. Consultation, development and production
    5. Training
  4. Quality and sustainability
  5. About BEVI
    1. Contact
      1. Contact persons
      2. Guarantee terms and conditions
      3. Claims
    2. News and events
      1. News
        1. New Technical manager
        2. BEVI celebrats 90 years
        3. Coil winding material is transferred to BEVI from Carbex
        4. Order of test motors for electrification of vehicles
        5. New CEO for the BEVI-group
        6. BEVI launches new logotype and brand guidelines
      2. Exhibitions
    3. Work with us
    4. Knowledge bank
      1. General technical information on electric motors
      2. Maintenance of electric motors
      3. Motor mounting positions
      4. Recycling of electric motors
      5. Advice on choice of worm gear
      6. Lubrication and maintenance of a worm gear
      7. Enclosure-protection
    5. BEVI's history
    6. Graphic guidelines and logotype
    7. Personal data and privacy policies
      1. Privacy policy for customers
      2. Privacy policy for suppliers
      3. Privacy policy for job applicants
      4. Privacy policy website and cookies
    8. Whistleblower function
  6. About BEVI
  7. Become customer BEVI (application)
  8. BEVI - the leading suppliers of explosion-proof motors in the UAE
  9. Sitemap
  10. Tjänster
BEVI Knowledge bank

BEVI's Knowledge bank collects information about our areas of expertise, electric drive systems and power generation.


BEVI is one of the Nordic region's largest companies in the field of electric drive systems and power generation.

We offer a comprehensive range of electric motors, transmission devices, power electronics, coil winding material, starter equipment and perform services of electrical machines.

BEVI AB (headquarters)


Denmark / Export:

Bevivägen 1, 384 30, Blomstermåla, Sweden

© BEVI AB 2024